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M93 is “New & Hot” at Indigo

Messenger 93 was featured on Sherway Gardens Indigo YA Book Club as a pick, and also on the ‘New & Hot’ and ‘New Releases’ Shelf in the physical store!

Barbara writes a Pandemic Journal for

Posted on June 2020 at My writer’s practice took me a long time to establish. The everyday routines of ‘when to write,’ ‘how to allocate my time between free-flow and editing,’ and ‘what holistic habits make the work easier/more comfortable’ took elaborate trial-and-error to perfect. I felt pretty good about the little pulleys and… 

Excerpt of M93 appears in Town Crier (The Puritan)

Posted July 13, 2020 | Link to post: [Excerpt] Placards stabbed the spaces around me. Calls and chants echoed in my ears. Tourists and suits blocked my way as they stopped to watch. Then I saw him. Standing apart from the crowd, outside the circle of dancers. Tweed cap, black hoodie, over-stuffed backpack strapped to… 

Article by Barbara Radecki on writing M93: The White Saviour and Saving the World in Messenger 93

Posted July 16, 2020 at This article, written by Barbara Radecki on her book Messenger 93, is presented in partnership with moorehype. I got the idea for Messenger 93, my second novel, years before I began to write it. It came soon after a teenager told me that her white boyfriend believed he was Jesus reincarnated. From… 

The Mirimachi Reader reviews Messenger 93

Posted July 2020: Link to Post on Excerpt: “Radecki tackles difficult subject matter with grace, and asks tough questions for her readers to reflect upon.” …The impact of social media is one through line, as are reflections on self-worth and questions of authenticity. Crucially, Radecki also centres a discussion of white privilege and violence… 

Advance praise for Messenger 93

“Lyrical prose and magic realism flavour the haunting story of M, a lonely girl who is called upon to find and save her enemy. The ensuing journey goes disastrously awry when M falls for a boy in search of another missing girl. This brave novel by Barbara Radecki tackles bold subjects—missing girls, celebrity culture, white privilege and cultural appropriation—as… 

Video: Virtual Launch of Messenger 93

Messenger 93 released in the middle of a pandemic. We scrambled to replace our brick-and-mortar launch slated for April 22, 2020 at Ben McNally Books. Instead we did a virtual launch featuring author-publisher-agent talks, actor-readings, and a Q&A. It was awesome! Check it out here.

Video: Bibliovideo interview

Bibliovideo is a news channel dedicated to Canadian books for young readers. The Q&A clip from my Messenger 93 (Virtual) Book Launch is featured here. Diane Terrana asks me some great questions!

Video: Reading for CBC Books

CBC Books hosted several authors reading from their books in the summer of 2020. Here I am reading the first chapter from Messenger 93.

Interview with The Miramichi Reader

Posted: MARCH 25, 2020 BY JAMES M. FISHER Link to original article “In seven days, she will fall,” say the crows. “As she falls, so do we all.” Who falls? wonders M. The ominous, supernatural message starts M on a quest that could save more than one life. But what if the person in danger happens to…